Trailer hitch

Hi to everybody!

We was some days in Bavaria for camping and there we saw that in our Commer Dodge there is a little bit to few place . Therefor we need a trailer hitch. Can anyone tell me where I get someo e, because in our nation it aeem to be unpossible. We have an old nice little trailer

Best regards Heli

Hi Heli I can see why you need a trailer, lots of things to carry :)
You could try Witter Towbars as I seem to remember they did stock them at one time a few years ago.
Are they all the same size now? I got an old hitch from my neighbour and ball was slightly too big for trailer.
Lovely job, same as I got and fairly straight forward except I have an alloy tank so had to drop it down 20mm.
I also went for the coach built version which is about 200mm longer at the back so I could open the doors with the trailer or a bike rack on